Necklift Surgery

Necklift Surgery

Unlock the Possibilities of Necklift:

Necklift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure focused on addressing sagging or loose skin in the neck area. This transformative surgery aims to create a smoother and more defined neck contour, restoring a youthful and elegant appearance.


Procedure Overview:

During a necklift, excess skin is removed, and underlying muscles may be tightened to achieve a more sculpted neck appearance. The procedure can also address the appearance of vertical bands or wrinkles in the neck area. Necklifts are often combined with facelifts for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.


Key Advantages of Necklift:

Defined Neck Contour: Necklift enhances the definition of the neck, creating a more graceful and sculpted appearance.

Smoother Neckline: Excess skin is eliminated, resulting in a smoother and more youthful neckline.

Complementary to Facelift: Necklifts can be combined with facelifts for overall facial harmony and rejuvenation.


Our Commitment to Excellence:

At our state-of-the-art facilities, our experienced medical team is dedicated to ensuring your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the Necklift journey. We prioritize understanding your unique aesthetic goals to provide personalized and natural-looking results.


Embark on Your Neck Contouring Journey:

Necklift is a transformative step towards achieving a graceful and defined neck. Schedule a comprehensive consultation with our expert medical professionals to explore how Necklift can benefit you. Take the first step towards a more elegant and rejuvenated neckline.

Baran Kul Clinic, which provides services in the highest quality hospitals with certified and state-of-the-art equipment that complies with quality standards in all its operations, is also routinely inspected and approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health and various international platforms.